25 April 2022
Annual Report 2021-22

CHS Annual Report for 2021-22

This is going to be short and sweet!

After a couple of tough years, we now appear to be on track to resume our normal schedule.

We were able to re‐start our gatherings this February and have offered 3 meetings for this 21/22 session. Local speakers came to our aid: Arthur Bird presented a wealth of information about his house in Braehead, which has been in his family for over 100 years. Presentations on the history of houses in Cromarty and their inhabitants are always popular.

David Alston gave further insights into the lives of enslaved Africans in Guyana and Suriname on plantations owned and run by their masters from this area of the Highlands. It was a tale of revolt and escape and entangled lives.

Tonight we are showing some films about Cromarty made both 10 and 30 years ago, which we hope will give different insights and that you will you enjoy watching. As ever, I’d like to thank John McNaught for the posters that he designs for all our talks.

We’ve got used to not planning far in advance, as we were thwarted a few times with arrangements and advertising for meetings that then had to be cancelled. So, now we have to get busy and plan a full programme of talks for the 2022‐23 season, starting in September. Our committee will do it’s best to find talks for members and visitors to enjoy, but as always we are open to suggestions from yourselves and do please let us know if you would be interested in giving information about a suitable subject. Also we would welcome new committee members — so if you’re interested please make yourself known!

Mary Bowers
April 2022

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